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I am in Koh Samui but it’s raining

So you have booked a beach holiday but you found yourself sitting in your room, stuck, as it is raining. You talk to yourself or to your friend or special someone and ask why there is rain when it is supposed to be sunny? Well, just like most if not all places on earth, the island needs rain too.

So now, what do you do? Where do you go?

image001 (1)1. See a movie

Ask your concierge if they have DVDs you can rent or if your room is equipped with Apple TV. Snuggle in bed, order room service and remind yourself how good block buster movies are. If you fancy going out, there are 2 cinemas in Koh Samui and both are located in shopping complexes so put on your flip flops and hail a taxi to go to wither Central or Tesco Lotus Chaweng. Date that special someone to the good old movie house and popcorn style and if you are with family, bring in the kids too. There might be something suitable for them and since you are in a shopping complex, there are amusement centers that they will enjoy.

2. Shooting Range

Yes, there is a shooting range on the island and it is in Chaweng. Upon arrival, visitors are encouraged to try a few rounds with the instructors so they can be familiar of the weapons. Participants are not required to have licenses. Everyone is supervised. To begin, you will be shown the targets which are paper cut outs and you will use real bullets. You choose from a variety of weapons including pistols, rifles and revolvers.

3. Drinks Tour
Discover a different side of Samui apart from its beautiful beaches. The island has its own rum distillery. The rums are processed and bottled on the island and you are given some local knowledge on how the rums are produced. This is the first stop of the tour where you get to taste 2 flavours of the local rum. Next stop, tasting of Thai wines. Although there isn’t a winery on the island (you can imagine that it is too hot here to have a vineyard), we have one sole supplier of Thai wines. And if you haven’t tried a Thai fruit wine before, this is the time to do it. At the second stop of the drinks tour, you get to enjoy 3 Thai wines of your choice. You are again given a knowledge of how they are made and where they came from. Take a bottle or two with you. They are great presents or a great reminder how good your holiday was.

image0023rd stop, a delicious lunch and a lesson how to make your own cocktail. How great is that? Now, the last stop is another gem on the island, a microbrewery. There you will meet Jim, the passionate owner of the one and only craft beer on Samui. He has 4 ales that you get to taste and once you pick your favorite, the first pint is on us. To end the day, we can drop you off at your resort or in Chaweng center to continue exploring.

4. 3D Art Gallery 

image004 (1)Something great for kids and adults is a visit to Samui’s only 3D art gallery. Samui 3D Art Gallery turns boring wall paintings in a stunning works of art. 3D pictures and optical illusion images provide you a lot of fun and photo opportunity. Located in Choengmon, the gallery is split into 2 levels with rooms filled with points of interests. Come with a camera to take home photos. This is a guaranteed place to laugh and kill time whilst it is pouring outside.

Whether it is a family affair or a couple or a solo traveler, there is always something to do on Koh Samui. Enjoy the sunny weather as well as the wet days. Take advantage of the cooler temperature without having to wrap up and light a fire. You can still go out on flip flops and wear shorts and t-shirts.

An article by Lorraine Marsh of Island Gem Tours. Check out our Drinks Tasting Tour!

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