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Tours During the Holidays – What You Should Know

43091-christmas-at-the-beachSpending the holidays in a beach destination, outside of your home country is bound to be an amazing experience and in our point of view, it should be done by everyone. Get to see Christmas or New Year or both under a different culture!

But there are also possible, although obvious issues you may find, and here we’ll tell you what to expect and how to avoid awkward and less pleasant situations.

checklist1.Plan ahead! Expect that this is a busy time so the better you know what you will do, the more secured you will feel and there’s less or no worries to think about during your arrival. It is also important to know what you want to do, so advance research about your destination and available activities could be useful.

2.Expect jet lag. – unless there is only about an hour or 2 difference to the new timezone you will be entering, you MUST prepare for jet lag. Consider your arrival time, and perhaps write off the day after your arrival as relaxing day. Rest and get some Zzzzzs if you can. The more energy you have, the more enjoyable your tours will be.

10255963_890325471082581_1343875073447337593_n-300x2253.Avoid the crowd if you can. – this time of the year, people like to gather so unless you enjoy this kind of scene, avoid booking trips to mainstream tourist attractions. They can get really busy and you will end up being a number amongst a pool of people trying to do or see the same things. It’s always nice to have some privacy – so opt for private tours, secluded destinations or tours with small group of guests.

hero-people-beach-cut-300x1814.Expect some slow traffic on the road – An increase of road traffic is sure to be expected so if you are traveling from one place to another whether on a rented xar, by foot or by moped, allow more time and be safe.

5.Be merry and celebrate – whatever happens, remember you are there to celebrate the occasion so no matter what circumstances bring you, try to find a reason to smile. You may need to take a moment, but that’s okay as long as you go back to being festive!

You can ask us for tips and we are happy to share our thoughts,

An insight by Lorraine Marsh of Island Gem Tours |


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